Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Maglio di Morgol Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Tronco pietrificato Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Spirale di semi Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Trinciacarne Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Esplosione di ghiaccio Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Tronco cavo Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Corna di lepre cornuta Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Radice incantata Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Frusta purificante Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Chitina di crisalide Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Elmo errante Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Caduta di Cimalbero Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Scarponi muscosi Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Raccoglitori di frutti di bosco Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Inesorabilità del tempo Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Tendine Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Orecchino pesante Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Rituale dell'aldilà Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Custode della ghiaia Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Benedizione rituale Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Legno ardente Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Nuove energie Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Tagliapietre Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Massa fredda Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Rabbia primordiale Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Arco corto innevato Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Corno di guerra Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Linea di fuoco Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Vergogna del guerriero Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Stalagmite Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Scheggia di macigno Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Morale Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Cemento avvizzito Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Terra riverente Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Ancora antica Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Suola di pietra Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Pietra dell'anima Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Baccello purificante Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Rianimato Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Spegnisete Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Preghiera del monaco Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Vitagelata Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Ira del Vuoto Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Attaccabrighe ardente Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Uccisore feroce Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Filo del rasoio Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Forza di volontà Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Pozzo del Vuoto Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Vista oscura Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Artigliere Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700