Recipe: Brocca di gelatina di spore

Segreti delle spore

Crafting recipe for Brocca di gelatina di spore

Trade Skill Smelting Lv. 250 Station Arcane Repository T2 Crafting Tax 0.90 Coin
Extra Items Chance -20%
Smelting XP 77,616
Craft Amount
Crafted Item
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You can actually roll a double jug on craft. Don't forget about weaver's fen fort + smelter set to increase the chances. I forgot, but got extra with 10% chance.

tmanku [Edited]

160 hearts for Spore Jelly Flask + 300 hearts for the 30 infused sand for the Jug + 100 hearts for the Petrification Charm. Thats 560! hearts..


so you need 460 Petrified Heart without adds for this craft. Farmed ~10 statues and got 4 of it. Current rates and prices are almost impossible to craft this. Very strange decision with the Infused Sand recipe. Not sure that they will change it in the nearest future because of more urgent issues.

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