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Where is the NPC location? where do you need to go and wait to get this quest?

Max Schröter (Tyrexhand)

It doesnt work

Allysson Elex

Guys, I managed to pass the quest, just get to the NPC's location, close and open the game, the enemies will start to appear, just kill them for the quest to continue


Any solutions?


Guys the mision is ok, a guy told us how to do it. So u wait where is the mision and the npc show up, so yonas but dont follow him. Wait and kill all the mods continue respawn and the mision will change alone when it is done. so u have to stay where is the mision and kill the mods with lvl 28 and 30 will respawn. When it is done, the mision said go to the top the path where yonas is waiting.


It's 30 hours that this quest is bug, is it possible to solve it? If you don't ask too much

Cosmin Adrian Bostan

right now this quest is bugged ... there is a camp in the place where u must investigate and yonas stay in T form there and don't move gg amazon games


Is this quest still doable? I dont see the NPC

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