Fiamma insaziabile

Side Story

Porta delizioso pesce alla Fiamma insaziabile prima che decida di banchettare con te. Puoi catturare pesce fresco da qualsiasi punto di pesca nei Deserti di Zolfo.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
2,990 XP 47.00 Coin 400 Territory Standing 25 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
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Mauritz Bomark

no need for hot spot. no need for specific fishing skill (i did it with fishing skill 6 and in the river just outside of the capital).

Also, normally you get different sounds when fish is on the hook (depending on quality of the fish). there is no sound at all when the quest fish is on the hook. So you can just skip, skip, skip each time there is a sound when the fish is on the hook. and when no sound you got the correct one and you bring it in.

i did 6 throws to get the quest fish. used some low level bait (meat bait i think that i just happen to have in my inventory) to speed it up.

Jeremy Tate

Just cast your fishing rod anywhere in the waters of the Brimstone Wastes. On your way you can kill some small scorpions and then use the meat baits while fishing. After a few tries, the Tasty Fish should be yours.

Dedipapyrus [Edited]

Einfach irgendwo in der Schwefellandwüste im Gewässer die Angel auswerfen. Auf eurem Weg könnt Ihr ein paar kleine Skorpione töten und dann beim Angeln die Fleischköder verwenden. Nach wenigen Versuchen sollte der Schmackhafte Fisch euch gehören.

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