Pietra con glifo del cibo

Common Resource Tier V

Una pietra incisa con un glifo del cibo. Serve per produrre Vetroruna.

Tier V 0.2 Weight Max Stack: 10000
Quest reward Quest reward Crafting material Used as crafting material
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@AmazingUser. It doesn't say luck is required. I think it's useless isn't it?

WMaximusW [Edited]

@Amazing User i have same setup but nothing drop and when i use no luck gear they drop more

Amazing User

Hello all!

Today i farmed the corrupted enemy in Castrum Victualis with a few random groups for 2h30min!

All in all i got 20x Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm 20x Food Glyph Stone!

I had 3 max Luck Trophies, full Luck gear, bags, weapons,jewelry with Luck gems (no food)!

The drop rate is one of each items every 8mins!

Happy farming!


You can find these glyphs as drops from chests and monsters in Castrum Victualis, southwest corner of Brimstone Sands.


Are these glyphs all random drops from chests or can you specifically target/locate the Food Glyph Stone

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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