Berretto da pescatore affondato

Epic Light Headwear Tier IV
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
50.9 Armor Rating - Elemental 86.6 Armor Rating - Physical
Random Attribute
Random Perk
Random Perk
Random Perk
Random Perk (Requires 100 Gear Score)

Odora di sale, muschio e vecchio, ma sorprendentemente è in buone condizioni. Probabilmente qualcuno ci teneva molto.

Bind On Equip Tier IV 1.5 Weight 625 Durability
Gives 1.50
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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In theory, this is the BiS set for fishing gear. If you ever roll Luck IIII, Colossus III, Reach III, with Focus, that's the best possible, but the odds of that would be astronomical.

In particular, this is the only leg piece in the game that could roll both Luck III and Colossus III, which are the most important perks.
It's so incredibly rare to hit though. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.5% with max luck just to hit the table, then a 1 in 7 chance to hit the sunken fishing gear.
Then a 1 in 5 to get the pants.
About 0.07% of casts just to get a roll on the pants. (7 in 10,000).
In the mean time, Use the Fishing pants you got from the fishing quest

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