Giacca da Inquisitore del Patto della vedetta

Epic Heavy Chestwear Tier V
Check the New Giacca da Inquisitore del Patto della vedetta
Item Gear Score
575.6 Armor Rating - Elemental 575.6 Armor Rating - Physical

Gli inquisitori del Patto sono un ramo speciale del Patto. Sebbene abbiano il compito di far rispettare lo statuto della fazione, sono anche una forza d'élite usata per sradicare gli eretici più corrotti.

Bind On Pickup Tier V 11.0 Weight 750 Durability
Gives 3.00
and 12
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Giacca da Inquisitore del Patto della vedetta is obtainable.

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If you're commenting about the item not dropping, please check the New Giacca da Inquisitore del Patto della vedetta first.

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Name Rarity Tier Requirements
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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