Pantaloni da tessitore

Rare • Named Medium Legwear Tier V
Item Gear Score

Intessuta con tale maestria da rendere difficile perfino notare le cuciture.

Bind On Equip Named Item Tier V 0.4 Weight 750 Durability
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 3.00
and 12
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Armor Set
Cappello da tessitore Medium Headwear
Camicia da tessitore Medium Chestwear
Guanti da tessitore Medium Glove
Pantaloni da tessitore Medium Legwear
Scarpe da tessitore Medium Footwear
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Battlemore [Edited]

Easy solo farm, 1 min respawn, stand on top of left pillar on stairs in between kills to not pull aggro if afk, no loot about 20% of the time, ~100 kills in & no pants. Will update once pants received.

Set Farmer

Farming mob Dau-Shen the Unstoppable for Weaver's Pants
42 kills - Weaver's Shirt dropped
0% Luck Gear

Audilio Moreno

go it on second kill easy farm solo

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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