Update: now 3 hours in ive collected 11/15 weapons and the full amor set including all the jewelry. still no bow
not to make people not want to farm this however. all of these guys have way better luck that i do because i have the full syncretic set with lots of dupes, almost every weapon and no bow. people out here getting it in 10-30 mins im 2 hours deep with 5 pieces of luck armor on
Just got it while farming the Digsite Calamitout for like 25 min. Like @jeanOnstreamTV mentioned, just farm those named enemies. You can do a pretty efficiently loop if you get the timing right. Also, there may be people who come and unintentionally mess up your loop, so maybe invite them to the group, so you aren't just banging your head against a wall.
With the release of New World: Aeternum they changed the prevous spot and reduced it down to two enemies.
Luckily the NEW best spot is right in the neighborhood: Atum's Way.
You want to kill those four enemies:
- Rafik of Bishara
- Ophois the Joyful
- Luxendra the Wise
- Heka of the Crossroads (during daytime)
OLD best spot:For an efficiente farm you can kill the following four two enemies in Digsite Calamitous repeatedly:
- Harrow the Sickle
- Frostcalle Fawzi- Thorgar the Destroyer
- Farouk al-Talib
They have a 6 minutes respwan timer.
Working fine, just got it after 10-15 kills, 2 other friends with same luck
Is this bugged because I have farmed it from expansion and its not dropped> I have probably looted 20+ of every other syncretic piece but not the bow. Lost count of how many times I have killed the 4 guys outside brimstone sands main town many hundreds each.
@Андрей Смирнов
False information as you can see it's dropping from BRIMSTONE SAND only.
I farmed it next to the main city in Digstie Calamitous for 15 mins and dropped 636 then upgraded
650+ gs items drops only from elite zone mobs (its rule for every region, ebonscale, elysian fields myrk etc)
what mob drops this the most? Thank you in advance
I'm getting 620 legendary syncretic items. That's odd ..
ah okay you mean with 250 dark matter, a matrix, chromatic seal ?
you can upgrade it to 700gs with a chromatic seal and 3rd perk @Rene vA
Does this drop over 650? Highest Gear to farm here for me was 649... what am I doing wrong :D
Couldn't agree more
Itztermx is a legend for posting this
add attunement and go brrrrrrr
How good is this bow for pve purposes ?
Personal preference I'd say but I'd go with any damage perk of attunements
what shuld 3rd perk be better?
where do ppl farm this?
god bow
i have been farming this mob for 8 hours staright i have everthing without the bow i have a total of over 10 of each but not a singel bow