Where Does he spawn now?
the mob was there before tempest came out and now he isnt in the church anymore\
does he spawn?
is he spawns now?
He used to be, now he's gone
so this guy is no longer spawning?
where is thorpe location?
Brimstone update has a location, its in the church where you get tempest quest but ofc he's not there
i wonder if he is still on the map, anyone?
where to find the thorpe now??
You can find him in Myrkgard Cathedral.
How can i go inte the Catherine without glitch?
Respawn time is approx: 5:55
Elite Boss found at the most northern point of the BIG Compound in Shattered Mountain [9695.25, 9638.75]
Thorpe has two main appearances as far as I know. He is the final boss of the The Depths expedition located in Restless Shore. I’m unsure of whether or not he drops these items both in the regular dungeon or the mutated versions of it.
He also spawns in the Great Cleave at BattleClast Crossing located directly next to the Empyrean Forge expedition as a part of an open world mini event. This consists of 5 waves of enemies followed by Thorpe once these waves have been defeated. As far as I know, this instance does not drop the corrupt weapons located in Shattered Mountain such as the corrupt progenitor or soul shroud gear.