This recipe requires an artifact ingredient. Cuore antico vuoto must be present in your inventory or the settlement's storage for the recipe to show up in the crafting station.
You can learn more about this from our Crafting Artifacts, Cooking Recipes and Schematics guide.
@herdias "This recipe requires an artifact ingredient. Empty Ancient Heart must be present in your inventory or the settlement's storage for the recipe to show up in the crafting station."
This has Eternal Ice listed as artifact but it's the empty ancient heart,
This crafting recipe is CURRENTLY BUGGED (v1.1) but you can still work around to make it:
-Even if you have 200 arcana, the ETERNAL ICE plus the VOID CRYSTAL CORE in your inventory, this recipe won't show and you can't craft it still having everything;
-You NEED to have another artifact called "Empty Ancient Heart" in your inventory for this recipe to show up and allow you to craft it!
-When you craft this recipe, all itens required will be consumed but not the EMPTY ANCIENT HEART, that one will remain in your inventory, even after the Nothingness is made.
UPDATE 1: This bug will probably be fixed by next patch,
UPDATE 2: Dev's said it should consume the empty ancient heart instead of the eternal ice... Eternal Ice on the ingredients list is a mistake and will be fixed soon.
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