Sebbene il popolo di Calata eterna si rifiuti di trovare la propria salvezza, tu hai i mezzi per proteggerlo. Il Capitano della Guardia Franc Dubois ti offre supporto morale nella tua lotta contro i Corrotti nella parte nord di Calata eterna In cambio ti chiede solo di cercare l'Erborista Howe durante i tuoi viaggi.
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Franc Dubois sends us to use our Azoth Staff T1 to destroy the corruption of The Spread.
Use the fast travel Dustmeadow Shrine to get there.
Defeat 15 Dorrupted Invaders.
Destroy 10 Corrupted Growths with your Azoth Staff T1. Make sure you equipped it!
After you did so, locate the source of the corruption. It is in the north-west of the area. Access it by climbing up and walking through the middle of the two corrupted, destroyed houses. Guarded with the named enemie Mahon.
Inside of the corrupted area you need to defeat The Burrower.
Behind it you find a Colossal Corruption, use your Azoth Staff T1 to clear it.
Than had back to Yonas Alazar.
If you are lazy, use your recall to inn and teleport to the fast travel Hermit Shrine.