Canone e conio

Seasonal Quest Suggested Level 60

Aiuta Zander a trovare una via d'uscita dalla sua organizzazione.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
7,180 XP 157.50 Coin 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Zander l'immortale
Completion needed for the quests below
Voci del deserto
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She first wasn't there for me either, then I just explored around the house a bit and suddenly when I came back she was there. No idea how it's intended to work.

Stephan Plischke

hey, there is an normal yellow quest npc near the house of Babuschka Granny. Try to make that one first. needs a few minutes to collect 3 things and then Granny is there. So its worked for me

Ivan Georgiev

Great job indeed.

Mike Dillon

Quest is permanently bugged... Granny won't spawn, great job Amazon Games

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