Apopi maledetto

Main Story

In seguito alle osservazioni di Apopi, Imhotep è preoccupato che ci sia una macchinazione più grande che coinvolge la tecnologia degli Antichi. Suggerisce di investigare presso una cripta inviolata degli Antichi a Ermopoli, dove Apopi potrebbe aver trovato materiali per i suoi piani, mentre lui e Ghazi fanno ritorno a Nuova Corsica.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
14,000 XP 47.50 Coin 400 Territory Standing 25 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Un mistero da svelare
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this game is dumb sometimes. ,to give us a main mission that we have to use the V staff without giving us the V staff. nice nice!


eu to tentando fazer essa missao , so que eu n tenho o bastao de azoth level 5 ,e pelo jeito n apareceu a missao pra eu upar ele pro level 5 , alguem sabe resolver isso ?


broken cant do it withtouit staff tier 5

jeanONstreamTV Rare

Left one has XX and Right one has X.

you can see it on the back of a pillar in the mid. the left two XX has only one glowing, because it is broke mid.


If XX and X is too much for you: You can press E and select the glyphes till the quest marker above the console disappears, that mean you got the right glyphe on ths one.

After you got both glyphs right, behinde you the actuator becomes active, use it.

Than jump down and go to the glowing platform.


XX on left and X on the right


Thank you so much @Its Bibbidi

Its Bibbidi

The correct sequence is big single X rune on right side, overlapping double X's on left side.

No more comments ^^
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