Quest still bugged, cannot complete.
Can't complete. Bugged.
still bugged
BUGGED - fail interract with Pierre Auguste to turn in quest :/
Confirmed - still bugged - can't turn in quest to Pierre
Bugged quest. Cannot talk to Pierre Auguste to complete quest.
i Repeat the quest like 4 times / restart games / pray Lord, and nothing
Bugged quest. Cannot talk to Pierre Auguste to complete quest.
That quest is bugged for sure. Can someone pls fix it?
look like bugged atm, after last 10 kill
1. Mourningdale - Fasttravelpoint Rams Respite
Find evidence of Pierre's passing through
There is a letter on the ground of the fasttravel point.
2. Mourningdale - Amphus (LVL 50)
Find evidence of Pierre's passing through
There is a letter inside of the damaged tent.
3. Mourningdale - Ceremony (LVL 50)
Find evidence of Pierre's passing through
The questmarker shows the position quiet accurate. There is a house in the north of the village and in the north-west corner of it, on a bed, is an other letter.
4. Mourningdale - Foulroot (LVL 50)
Defeat 10 Wardog Corrupted
After you entered the mine, turn right to finde Pierre Auguste to turn in the quest.
got fixed after todays patch 18.09.2024
you can also now get the missing note outside of the tavern, pinned to the left side of the 🤬-house :)