Segreti freddi come la pietra

Side Story Suggested Level 45

Segui gli indizi di Leilani indicati sulla mappa per completare la sua ultima avventura e trovare tre manufatti perduti realizzati dagli Antichi.

NPC - Turn In Rewards
3,100 XP 96.25 Coin 600 Territory Standing 25 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Ode a Aeternum
Prerequisites - Additional
Requires Level 40
Completion needed for the quests below
L'ultimo mistero
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Step 1, Mourningdale - Serpans (LVL 45)
Defeat 3 Endless Monitor.

Investigate the location for Ancient artifacts.


There are two chest all the way on the top, where you can finde the artifacts. And on the way up, some sword-dudes to kill.


Step 2, Mourningdale - Lunaryth (LVL 47)

Defeat the Bladedancer to recover an Ancient artifact.


The Bladedancer is in the catacombs below the building. The stairs to go down there are right at the map-symbol of Lunaaryth.


Step 3, Mourningdale - Sunnadire (LVL 47)

Defeat 3 Sunadire Ancients defending the site.

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