Il problema dei pirati

Main Story

Dirigiti all'accampamento presso Cala dei bucanieri. Parla con Grace. Poi cerca i tesori dei pirati a Cala dei bucanieri.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
2,500 XP 42.00 Coin 250 Territory Standing 5 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Il tributo scomparso
Completion needed for the quests below
Rete di menzogne
Strumenti torreggianti
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Walk towards the Buccaneer Creek Pirates Den and talk to Grace O'Malley north of it.

On your way there pick up the quest Just Dessert.
Quickly collect the items for it at the Sweet Acre Farm.
After you turned in the side quest pick up the following quest Pirates of Spice from Kathrijn Janssen.

Head finaly into Buccaneer Creek.
- Smash Crates to reclaim 5 Stolen Tribute (
Pirate Spoils)
- Collect 5 Pirate Treasure for Grace
- Read "
Offer from the Speaker"

While you are inside the Buccaneer Creek gather the stuff for the Pirates of Spice side quest.

Finish the quest at Grace O'Malley.

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