- Gather Flint from the ground - Gather Wood from a Bush
Flint and Bushes can be found nearly everywhere around the beach. Like anything else you can interact with, it is marked with a "o" which will turn into a "E" with the name of the object next to it. As a tip: Grab some more (four of each), you will need it! .
Make sure you set them as your active tool, in order for beeing able to use them. You can also "Lock" them, to prevent them from beeing salvaged by accident. Hover over them in your inventory and chose "Lock" in the drop down menu. There you also see the quick way to do it: "L + Left-Click" on that item.
- Gather Flint from the ground
- Gather Wood from a Bush
Flint and Bushes can be found nearly everywhere around the beach. Like anything else you can interact with, it is marked with a "o" which will turn into a "E" with the name of the object next to it. As a tip: Grab some more (four of each), you will need it! .
- Craft a Flint Skinning Knife at the Watcher's Campfire
You need 1 Flint and 1 Green Wood to craft that tool.
If you grabed some more materials you can also craft yourself a Flint Logging Axe, a Fling Mining Pick and a Flint Harvesting Sickle.
Make sure you set them as your active tool, in order for beeing able to use them. You can also "Lock" them, to prevent them from beeing salvaged by accident. Hover over them in your inventory and chose "Lock" in the drop down menu. There you also see the quick way to do it: "L + Left-Click" on that item.