La regina è morta (Riservato)

Side Story

Trova i tenenti della regina delle sirene, distruggi la macchina degli Antichi e sconfiggi la regina delle sirene. Poi torna dal Capo Onizuka nell'insediamento di Acquafetida.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
4,530 XP 166.25 Coin 800 Territory Standing 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Demolire il piano
Completion needed for the quests below
Lunga vita alla regina (Riservato)
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Rainer Kaba

Orb is not 100% drop every time, have to farm the bosses to get it

jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Venture into Forecastle Drift and put a stop to the Siren Queen's plans

Eliminate 3 The Siren's Lieutenants in Forecastle Drift

Eliminate 3 The Siren's Lieutenants in Spire of Melpomene

Search 3 containers for Gunpowder Casks

Loot the Siren Tuning Orb from one of the Siren Queen's lieutenants


You can do all this easy during an elite run.

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