Carne rossa

Common Consumable Tier II

Ingrediente per la cucina. Raccolto dagli animali selvatici ostili.

Grants Effects
In recupero Recuperi 20 punti salute al secondo per 10 secondi. La guarigione si interrompe se subisci danni. Effect ID: EatRawFood Duration: 10s Categories: FoodInitialRecovery Food Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • Restores 20 health every 1s
Tier II 0.2 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Carni livello 2, Carni crude, Cibi crudi, Cibi crudi livello 2 Derived from Lupi, orsi, mucche, pecore, capre, gatti, alligatori, bisonti
Required For Used to interact with the following
Crafting material Used as crafting material