Traliccio alto di cipresso rosso

Uncommon Housing Item Tier II

Questi rampicanti crescono molto velocemente. Potrebbero diventare troppo grandi per il traliccio. Quindi taglia i rampicanti, ma lascia i fiori.

Housing Points (WIP)
PointModifier: 0 RankingPoints: 0.09 MaxPotentialPoints: 0.72 RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 8 RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 16
Tier II 0.3 Weight Max Stack: 8
Gives 0.25
when salvaged.
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Baron Barbarossa

Obtained from looting Large Stockpile chests in Weaver's Fen lower half of the map.

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Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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