PointModifier: 0
RankingPoints: 0.14000000000000001
MaxPotentialPoints: 0.14000000000000001
RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1
RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
09/09/22 in supply stockpile in monarch bluffs, i'm lvl 20 xd with 1.4luck in legs
Dropped from a supply stockpile from Reekwater for me today (1st May 2022) Virid Grotto.
I got this right when the game launched 2 in a row without any luck in a graveyard. Seems to be REALLY random based on these comments.
Patch 1.2 got it from stockpile in ebon air shrine
As of patch 1.1, obtained from Elite Supply Chest in Stone Skull Fort (South East of Cutlass Keys elite area) as a level 60 with 34% luck, flagged and 3 minor luck trophies.
got it from elite chest in West Illuvium
Got one yesterday from a supply chest in WF. :-)
Got it dropped today from Ancient Chest in Skysong Area.
thanks amazon prime