PointModifier: 0
RankingPoints: 0.2
MaxPotentialPoints: 0.2
RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1
RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.
The effect of this trophy should stack, otherwise we literally get nothing from this event :)
I can confirm that you can place a second trophy in another house but it doesn't seem to work.Hopefully they change that otherwise it makes no sense to have more than one per character.
I hope they make them stackable. ^^
Yes, it works all the time.
General Info.
No, the Trophies DO NOT stack.
The "Turkey Luck Potion" you get from skinning Turkeys with https://nwdb.info/db/item/1hskinningknifet5_turkeyterror greatly increases item drop chances from Turkulon. Including this Trophy.
Does the buff last past the event?
2 pieces doesnt work :((((
does it prolong ur ward pot duration (i.e fre ward pots)?
If you received this last year, you can receive another one this year. I am unsure if the effect stacks.
EDIT: Having 2 trophies does not matter :( still only a 25% increase in duration. Tested with Energizing Light Ration with no bags.
> Is 1 drop per account or character?
per character
Is 1 drop per account or character?
@Sovereign Knight Poultry only drops in the pity system (starting from the 16th kill). If you got Poultry, you 100% got every single other drop. Double check your inventory. Also, if you were at full slots (500), the items will drop on the ground, next to you.
25 kills in, have everything ACCEPT the trophy. All the boss does is drop poultry. 9 of them so far. So whoever is saying it's guaranteed you have everything by 16 kills is grossly mistaken.
@OutoftheDark Only one will drop in the next 31 days, the event is only 3 weeks, so you will only be able to get one during this event.
If you’re gonna abuse it,they will ban you. ( if you know what I mean,so I warn you)
is this a 1 time drop or can u actually have 3 of them?
Thank you @Xyo for reply
My results for anyone wondering:
Turkey kills Dropped item
kill 1 massive turkey leg
kill 2 massive turkey leg
kill 3 massive turkey leg
kill 4 massive turkey leg
kill 5 massive turkey leg
kill 6 no drop
kill 7 no drop
kill 8 no drop
kill 9 no drop
kill 10 no drop
kill 11 no drop
kill 12 no drop
kill 13 Calves skin
kill 14 Egg Seat
kill 15 no drop
kill 16 no drop
kill 17 Feast-o-Plenty Food Trophy
3 major luck throphies + all luck gear. i did not know if it mattered, so i equipped it anyway.
everyone on my server did say that u are guaranteed all drops at 17 kills, looks like they were correct (for me at least).
@Xyo please add info about event to description (Turkey Terror 2022) for quick search of items related to event 🙏
How to find info about "Turkey Terror 2021" items ?
@qwou just food.
Does the buff include proficiency potions etc?
@Amazing User it means you can only drop 1 item every 31 days.
Does the "limit expiration" mean it will expire in a month? Or is it staying even after the event runs out?
Got one on my 2nd kill.
I hope they make them stackable. This YEar