Alghe strutturate

Uncommon Resource Tier II

Alghe dall'aspetto viscoso che risultano stranamente ruvide al tatto.

Bind On Pickup Tier II 0.1 Weight Max Stack: 50 Ingredient Types: Verdura livello 2, Verdura cotta, Cibi crudi, Cibi crudi livello 2
Can be crafted Can be crafted Crafting material Used as crafting material
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Name Category Trade Skill Skill Level
Segreti delle spore Cooking 105
Segreti delle spore Cooking 105
Cucina base Cooking 150
Cucina base Cooking 100
Cucina base Cooking 50
Cucina base Cooking 2
Cucina base Cooking 150
Cucina base Cooking 100
Cucina base Cooking 50
Cucina base Cooking 1
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