Name Rarity Tier Requirements Pezzi di arma impregnati Epic V Tier V500+ GS Frammento di arma impregnato Legendary V Tier V675+ GS Pezzi di arma impregnati Epic V Tier VUncommon500+ GS Frammento di arma impregnato Legendary V Tier VUncommon675+ GS Pezzi di arma impregnati Epic V Tier VRare500+ GS Frammento di arma impregnato Legendary V Tier VRare675+ GS Pezzi di arma impregnati Epic V Tier VEpic500+ GS Frammento di arma impregnato Legendary V Tier VEpic675+ GS Pezzi di arma impregnati Epic V Tier VLegendary500+ GS Frammento di arma impregnato Legendary V Tier VLegendary675+ GS
i died during the boss fight at the end where he died to and didnt get the hammer, is there a way to still get it?