Just got ember strike with less than ten luck in ten minutes.
~20 kills for Warshade
30.6% luck + 3 major trophies
52% de sorte e não vem nada. :@
Full luck 1 hour only potions wtf Kilgoran you mf wasting my time by not dropping anything. :) Kilgoran mby start dropping
warshade 7th kill, 33.5% Luck
05/02/2023 got earrings on 7th kill 17.8% luck.
01/30 - I got the warshade on the second attempt with the lucky clothes and no trophies.
Respawn takes 3 minutes.
i got earring, about 7 days of farming :D
i got the VG within 2 hours with full luck on every gear and weapons
About 10 days of farming, around 30 hours total, maybe 200 or so kills, still no earring. lol.
tried to get like 5 days. i got 4 earrings, 7 shields, 1 gs, 2 diffirent swords but i got this finally. dropped with 3 bags luck, other gears are pvp gears. patiance guys :p
10 hours full luck, no Warshade. Drop rate has to be abysmal
respawn 3 min
confirmed 11/14/2022 warshade void gauntlet after 5 trys (full major trophies/food/pvp/full luck (armor/weapons? GS 602
Fighter's Blade, Tarot's Ritual Trinket, "Stability of the Mountain", Unrelenting Mercy, and Justicar confirmed as drops
Can confirm 3min respawn, extremely easy solo farm, can fish in 'Very Shallow' water, Droprate is worst than a Myrkgard bear... will update if I ever get a named item.
Edit: Got the shield & earring 590, so I can confirm the luck VG is (probably) possible :D
3 min respawn
2 min respawn timer
2 days farming and no EmberStrike, with >15% luck
Has a 1 minute and 30 second respawn timer.
2,5 hours and no earring drop. Many epic shields and 1x sword "Emberstrike"
Location: Earth Shrine in Ebonscale
wheres the location of this monster?
https://nwdb.info/db/item/earringt5_tarotsritualtrinket 3rd kill GS 470
worst mob ever for farm