3rd kill was the spear, but no gloves yet after around 20 kills until now. 3 spears total so far.
4 min respawn
after 35+ kills, 5 gloves 0 spear....
Full luck with 3 major trophy
Okay after 113 kill i got spear.
Farmig since 2h got 2x Spear but no gloves mates got it after 3th and 10th kill all have Luck Gear
full luck set with trophy.. first kill got gloves, second kill got spear.
Currently here-2hrs 26 mins as of now. 1 pair of gloves. junk for rest. 2hr 57 mins. spear dropped
Got the spear first kill 590 and gloves at my 4th kill.
Respawn: 3:30 - 4 min
Farmed this mob for 5 hours. Got the spear 3 times, no gloves. A lot of loot fell through the ground or spawned inside the rock wall. So be careful where you kill this mob.
khnum's key dropped in 1 kill, 10.6% luck
dropped in 11 kills with around 58% luck
Killed about 25 times and dropped Gloves - Sticking around to get the Spear - Will update if dropped
Edit: Killed it once after this post and Spear dropped.
Both drops were 590gs - No luck gear or trophies
Solo farmed this boss for about an hour and a half, seems to have 3-4m respawn depending on how busy the area is
i got the named gloves at 14 kills, have now done 30 kills and haven't got the spear, but still very easy farm
0 luck first kill got spear